Chase is 14 months!

on Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Since our last post, life has been busy. Elizabeth successfully defended her dissertation on October 27th. Ryan, Oma, and Chase were there to help celebrate in a post-defense reception. Chase celebrated by eating lots of grapes, cookies, cheese and playing with the corks from champagne. Our family celebrated by getting the flu. We are all trying to recover from the exhaustion of October and we wouldn't have made it without the help of Oma. Thank goodness for loving, supportive family that lives near by!

Chase is currently teething molars. This has been a painful process for the poor guy, but it is hardest at night. During the day, very little stops that kid.

He has been very serious about reading books. He picks out a book, places it into your hand and then looks at the reader expectantly until the book is opened. His current favorite is an animal book with flaps. He and Ryan read it many times a night and Chase especially loves the page with the owl and sometimes will "hoo hoo hoo" at the owl. The flap books are a revelation. So much to do on one page! I am having so much fun sitting down as a family after dinner is done just spending time with books. Some of my fondest memories are reading with my parents after dinner.

Chase's language is developing. He asks questions, makes statements, and calls out for people/things in his own language. It is more and more clear that he knows exactly what he wants to say, but the words just aren't there yet. He does say dog, "woof", dad, mom, bottle, "di" for Rudy, and other words just pop out of his mouth but don't seem to return. He loves pointing at things, touching them, and hearing the words that go with the object. Ryan carries him around the house touching and naming objects and they have a great time. Chase also likes to sing to his own tune, not necessarily when music is on. It is incredibly endearing.

Chase has started walking 5-6 steps at a time. He began walking more regularly at our Doctor's office on Monday. While waiting in the exam room, I was entertaining Chase with a piece of wadded up paper. He was pretending to climb the steps up to the exam table, when he knew I wouldn't let him, but then would walk to the paper ball when I threw it (fetch works for young children, not JUST dogs, apparently). He was giggling up a storm, so proud of himself for walking. The Dr. couldn't believe that we thought anything was wrong with him from the sounds coming from our exam room! In the moment that he walked, he had such a look of concentration and a fluidity to his movement that I felt as though time stopped. My heart skipped beats. Here was my baby working on conquering one of the final motor tasks that keeps him a baby. I was so proud and a little sad at the same time. Chase showed off his walking skills to Ryan that evening AND even clapped correctly. Monday was a big day.

Kerry, Chase's babysitter describes Chase as attentive to details, smart as a whip, and a daredevil. I would agree with all of those descriptors. I would add that he loves to laugh, is very social, and is quite observant. He will also snuggle in the evenings, yet I see this activity slipping away in the near future.

My, how time passes quickly when we have little ones to mark its' progress.

Pictures of the last little while below:

our little boy hardly ever this serious.

post-defense fatigue. happy to be with Chase and Ryan.

The closest shot we got to Chase's elephant Halloween outfit.

helping with the pumpkin

experiencing the slimy texture

helping dad scoop out the insides

ooops! slipped on the slime.

our 2010 pumpkin.


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