Bridge of nose watch 2009

on Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So, tomorrow I am 39 weeks and more than ready for Baby C to make his arrival. While I feel ok most of the time, there are nights (like last one) where getting comfortable and sleeping for longer than 2 hour stretches are just impossible. Add in the occasional twinge of pain in the abdominal area, and you've got a pregnant lady wondering if she's in labor OFTEN.

I asked my friend Alyssa if there were any ways that she just "knew" that labor was imminent (not talking contractions, bloody show, or any of the sure-fire signs, here). She said she knew a midwife that said she could tell when a woman's bridge of her nose became swollen. So, every morning, I get up, shower, and look in the mirror and scrutinize. The only problem? I can't remember from one day to the next what my nose looked like...

Guess I'll just have to wait for contractions to begin...sigh.


Jill said...

I hope you have a swollen nose soon!

Anonymous said...

take a digital pic, and start compairing it to the previous day's photo ;o)

MPFLGF said...

lol... never heard about the nose thing! Hope it gets swollen soon and you can enjoy little C.M. in your family:)

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